a little girl riding on the back of a brown and white horse

Physical Therapy

At Equest, we take traditional physical therapy services and use the movement of the horse to preserve, enhance, or restore movement and physical function impaired or threatened by disease, injury, or disability. This equine-assisted therapy conducted in conjunction with licensed professionals helps meet a range of treatment goals.

a woman kneeling down next to a little girl

Our occupational therapy program enhances daily life skills such as self-care, education, work and social interactions. This approach is especially important in enabling or encouraging participation in such activities despite physical or mental impairments or limitations.

Become an Equest Client

More Information

To become an Equest client or to learn more about our programs, please contact:

Angela Escamilla


(972) 412-1099, ext. 209


Schedule a Tour

Email Angela Escamilla at registrar@equest.org to schedule a tour and determine the best program